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A Fine Blog, Am I Back? An Update.

  Hey, folks! It’s been a while, a long while since I last blogged. I’m still here, still selling coops and condos (30 years worth), and I am more active in community issues than ever. While I haven’t been writing much in long form, I have been on Twitter (X) almost daily as @afineblogger, expressing my thoughts and concerns about the goings-on in NYC. Frankly, the more you learn about how the NYC runs, the more disturbing it is. In the vacuum of voter apathy, special interests and often shady “non-profits” have taken control. The way I look at things, it’s either fight, or flight, and I prefer the former; though, at times, you really question this decision. I encounter people on a fairly regular basis, that I know from the blog days, who ask where I’ve been, what I’ve been up to, and why I stopped blogging. That’s a loaded question, but here is my best answer. Time. If only there were more time! About 10 years ago, I got involved in the East 86 th Street Association, where I curr

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