Monday Morning Links

Actually a quiet weekend for once here in the city. I kept myself busy on Sunday with some sales appointments, but it was clear we are officially in the heart of vacation season. One thing did happen which was a plane and a helicopter colliding over the Hudson. I am honestly surprised that this doesn't happen more ofter considering the idiotic lack of rules that cover the skies of NYC. We should also be thankful that it didn't happen over NYC and kill even more people. I pray for the families of the lost, I also pray for some common sense on the part of the FAA and policymakers.
Speaking of common sense, how about a tax credit for buyers that may actually apply to New Yorkers. The $8,000 credit helps few thanks to the income limit, and now comes another plan from NY State with the same issues (6th link). Can a guy get a little help with a jumbo around here?
Deadly End Game For 2 Trips Of Leisure (NY Times)
Renters Offered Unsolicited Reductions To Stay Put (NY Times)
Hot Dog Vendor Evicted From In Front Of Met, Can't Keep Up With $54,000 Monthly Rent (AP)
Sunday, National Luxury Real Estate Wrap (Luxist)
Looking To Clock Some Gs, Make that $25 Mil. For Brooklyn's Clock Tower Penthouse (NY Times)
Another Housing Tax Credit, This Time By NYS, Vast Majority Of City Residents Need Not Apply (NY Times)
Astor's Place Gets Chopped (NY Times)
Unstable Walls, Falling Bricks Cause Stir At 2 Fifth (Gothamist)


  1. sorry andrew, politicians will do little to help 'the rich' these days.

  2. "Rich" is quite relative in NYC. The housing market needs help across the board, not just in the "conforming" end.


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