Big Week For The Wilfs At 200 East 79th Street

As you can see above, 200 East 79th Street, billed as a 19 story "contemporary classic" condo is rising quickly. That is not the only thing that is being raised. In a sign that construction financing is thawing this spring, Skyline Developers announced this week that they have secured a $112 Million construction loan courtesy of Wells Fargo. As the current height of the structure indicates, the Wilf family (owners of Skyline Development) must have had a strong degree of confidence that such funds would be coming through. The site will eventually house 139,000 square feet of condo space, as well as 6,000 square feet of ground level commercial space. Stribling has secured the marketing for the building, rumored to open sales this fall. Various reports have the developer building 45 units (which would average a whopping 3088 square feet each), while the latest permits indicate only 19 mammoth units. To my dismay, there are no renderings or floor plans available to date. My best guess is that we are looking away from the ubiquitous glass curtain wall and perhaps something more of a hybrid like Skyline's tasteful 170 East End Avenue. At least we can still hope!
200 East 79th Street, Curbed Archive (Curbed)
Wilf Closes On $112 Million Loan For UES Condo (The Real Deal)
Latest building permit for 200 East 79th Street (NYCDOB)
