"Gansevoort Square" Topped

345 W 14th, May 2012

(Rendering courtesy DDG Partners)

The "Gansevoort Square" condo project of DDG Partners (of 41 Bond Street fame) has topped. The project, which is East of Ninth Avenue on 14th Street, is to eventually house an estimated 37 condos including five penthouses. Leed Silver certification is expected, and the exterior will be a unique combination of "Kolumba Brick" from Denmark, and, most intriguingly, capped with a 3 story bronze cornice. It will be interesting to see how that turns out. One thing is certain, pricing figures to be sky high at the 11 story building.
Somewhat related, I never realised that The Meatpacking District had its own blog!

More info:
345 (DDG Partners)
Gansevoort Square (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
New Luxury Condo Gets Funded Where Jay-Z Hotel Failed (Curbed)
