Lots Cleared For 1711 First Ave + Extell's 1681-1689 Third Avenue

No better than a little winter snooze for the hard charging development on the Upper East Side, but from the looks of it, it spring will see a ton of construction, not seen in some time in the area. Two more substantial site have been cleared. First is Anbau Enterprise's 1711 First Avenue. As you can see, the site of the future 210,000sf, 34 story condo designed by SHoP Architects is ready for some springtime action.

89th and First Avenue (A Fine)

Inside lot at 89th and First Avenue (A Fine)

Rendering of 1711 First Avenue (from Anbaunyc)
A tad further uptown, Extell has cleared six five story walk-ups on Third Avenue for all but 25' of the block front between 94th and 95th Street. Formerly 1681-1689 Third will be the site of a 190,000sf residential tower of 23 stories and 260 feet. The Architect is Beyer Blinder and Belle. Given the size of the lot, I am somewhat surprised that Extell could not somehow wrangle a larger building. But the permits are in, and this too should start rolling when the ground finally thaws.

94th and 95th on Third Ave (A Fine)

Inside the Extell Lot, looking south from 95th (A Fine)
