LIC: It Has A Name, "1 Vernon Jackson"!

After much preparation and deliberation, the condo at the intersection of Vernon and Jackson in LIC has been named, and it is a no-brainer: "1 Vernon Jackson". This info was passed on directly to me from the developer. There was deliberation between "One" and "1", but, despite my preference for it being spelled out, it is too late! The decision has been made and the teaser website should be up any time now. Sales are expected to start (for real this time) in 3-4 weeks. Priced right (and there is no definitive word on pricing just yet), this pet project from Times Square with the thickest floors in LIC should be a winner. Stay tuned for more details and an official opening date.
Previously: It's A Condo, Shower With View Included
10-17 Half Skinned
LIC Mystery Revealed: 10-17 Jackson Shines!


  1. How has your market performed over the last quater? Down here in Orlando, prices were up 5% and closings were up over 40% over a year ago. Most are attributing it to the home buyer tax credit but I've seen some foreign money coming in and I think investors, particularly fromm Brazil have determined that we've hit the true bottom and they are jumping in.

  2. This building had a light strip on the side that goes through a rainbow of colors and is ALWAYS on. It's bright and distracting at night. It's inconsiderate of the current residents in the neighborhood whose windows face this building - nice and considerate of a new building looking to fit into the neighborhood.

  3. I apologize, I was wrong, this building is not the one with the lights, it is the Murano Condo building on Borden Ave.

  4. Nice! Keep up the good work.


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