Unintended Amenity Alert: Ringside Seat To Riot At 88 Leonard Street. As Judge Judy says, "nothing good ever happens at three in the morning". Such was the case on Leonard Street (just West of Broadway) this Saturday morning when a melee spilled from inside Club Deco at 95 Leonard and into the street. By the time it was all said and done, 5 people were treated for stab wounds. Witnesses described the scene as an all-out riot with 100+ people brawling followed by a swift and large response by the police. All of the victims were 27 years old or younger. Local residents of 88 Leonard Street, an upscale Tribeca rental were disturbed not only by the noise, but emotionally. The residents are outraged and many are frightened. Club Deco is said to cater to patrons who can enter if 18 and can drink if 21- doesn't sound like a good combination.
(Photo courtesy NYDN)
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