Closeout: Sale On, Virgin Departing Union Square

It has been long rumored and confirmed just a couple of weeks ago: Virgin Records is closing it's superstore at Union Square, leaving a gaping hole in the retail scene on East 14th Street. Virgin, joins its former neighbor, Circuit City, in vacating a big box store, leaving the prime block between Broadway and Fourth Avenue completely empty. Circuit City closed up shop a couple of months ago after filing bankruptcy and holding a liquidation sale. Now the sale is on at Virgin. Everything must go, etc, etc...


  1. 20% off closing sale! Things that were in the $10 bin were re tagged to as high as $18.99 and then pushed as 20% off bringing the new "sale" price to $15.20. Advice: Wait- but not too long. They'll get it down to 40-60% off as they did uptown and if you time it right there might still be something actually worth taking at a real close out sale price. Box sets of certain artists at the TS location at the very end were going for $35-38 right now those same things at US are going for $60 on sale at 20% off. They will come down as well.


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