Is That A New Rat?

I've seen plenty of inflatable rats in my day, but this looks like a new one. And wow, this rat looks like a real mean, and obviously greedy one. And that cigar, he must be one fat cat, um, I mean rat!
This rat was posted up in front of the Babies R' Us in Union Square. While he may look like a mean fella, he seemed to be a hit with passersby who were not shy about petting him and even have pictures taken with him.


  1. Unions are good for driving up building costs. That's about it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is true..unions are babys who gang up and hustle people. I guess that's why they call them teamsters. Funny how they question your patriotism when you say you're paying lower wages TO people that aren't "white" looking yet in actuality have their US citizenships.

  4. Unions are killing, or have killed, this great country of ours. The tactics they use are borderline criminal.

  5. I'm a grateful member of a union - United Scenic Artists Local 829. I think the above generalizations are unfair. My union protects me against exploitation (which I experienced in abundance before joining). Not all union members are thugs, as a matter of fact many of our members are fine artists, many are ivy-educated, and we definitely do not "hustle" people.

    Our union guarantees that we have a lunch break and get overtime pay for overtime hours worked. It allows us to have a health plan. I do support unionization and suggest that people do a little more research before they are so critical of unions.

    The above commenters' statements only serve to illustrate their ignorance; they have formed an opinion without bothering to be informed on the subject.

  6. Kathleen,

    Im sure there are purposes that unions serve. In your case it seems so.

    However, this post is about union members and construction. Is the RAT symoblizing the developers greed? Or their use of illegal workers? IF so, this is a bold statement to make.

    Maybe the developer simple chose not to build union because they were MUCH more expensive. Instead they chose a company who is 100% legit and responsible.

    We all dont get the jobs we apply for. However, union contracts protest if they dont get work - then use brutal ILLEGAL tactics like damaging the buildings plumbing, electrical work...etc.

    To me, THEY are the greedy ones. This is a free country, developers are not required to build with unions. Its disrespectful to protest with giant Rats holding money bags because you dont get the job you want - i wouldnt hire union soley based on this disrespectful action

  7. I Find Him Cute!

  8. Unions no longer serve any good purpose. Union workers defend them so loudly because the unions protect them when they do a bad job. Hand out huge pensions and benefits. And the union workers get a free ride. It's high time that true hard work wins the day! Let these union guys learn to compete and start putting in a real honest days work. If not, then get fired like everyone else in the real world. The MTA is a perfect example of what unions have done to create a lazy, inefficient work force.

  9. He could use a pedicure.

  10. Ask a worker injuried on a construction site because of developer's cost cutting why we need unions. These days you won't have to look far to find one. Hopefuully they'll still be alive when you get there

  11. What have unions done? 40 hour work week? Unions. 5 day work week? Unions. Health and safety regulations on job sites? Unions. Health benefits? Unions. Paid time off? Unions. Collective bargaining to achieve fair pay? Unions. Protections against capricious firing? Unions. As unions have become weaker in this country what's happening? 50, 60 or more hour work weeks, no paid time off, no health care, no pensions, unsafe working conditions. In another 10 or 20 years, when working conditions again resemble what they were 100 years and there are no unions, dumbasses like you will look around and say "We need to organize to protect ourselves and provide a living wage so we can support our families." And what will happen? You will form unions. LEARN SOME HISTORY FOLKS!!!

  12. Haha... 40 hr. work week... what are you, French? How uninspiring.

  13. In the UK, Maggie Thatcher pretty much abolished the Unions.
    It was the beginning of a flourishing time for the UK.
    Unions suck

  14. stupid comments re: worker safety and unions protecting injured workers.


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