Two Boots Opens On 84th And Second

Two Boots, yes the Cajun/Italian pizza paradise, has opened on the Upper East Side. 84th and Second Avenue to be exact. Last night, its first, was a free pizza frenzy from 6:00 to 8:00. While pizzas were flying at the rate of 1 per minute, I still managed to get my hands on 3 half-slices of "Newman"s. Oh, they were just as good as the shops in the East Village and on Bleecker Street. I'm a happy man!


  1. Not happier than me! I LOVE Two Boots pizza. Yesterday they tried to serve me two slices of "mild" pizza. Unh-uh! I said, "Gimme the SPICY!"

    They're off to a great start; the place was packed.


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