Gotham's Green 200 West 72nd Rising Impressively

200 West 72nd, Jan 29th, 2009

Rendering Courtesy Metro Green Business

It's a huge building, 19 stories with 196 rental apartments and 48,000sf of retail on the lower 5 floors. It also happens to be Gotham Constructions first effort at a "Green" building with the intention of achieving LEED certified Silver status. As you can see in the rendering it will be a glass enclosed structure, what you can't see is the many green elements that range from building materials, a/c without chlorofluorocarbons, efficient appliances, and even a reflective roof with garden.

One thing for sure is that the building is looking huge. As of this morning they were working on the 14th floor. While this is to be a top of the line luxury rental, don't worry, if times get tight, you can always take advantage of the $1 "recession special" at Gray's Papaya across the street.

Gotham Construction Making It's Mark On Manhattan, And It's A Green One (Metro Green Business)
Scourge Of 72nd Street Gets New Name (Curbed 4/2008)


  1. This building is an atrocity and a rape. Given that this intersection has plenty of 1-story corrugated-tin shanties (e.g., the Sleepy's building on the corner opposite), the developers who razed a beautiful old Beaux-Arts classic for this suburban Detroit office box should be shot and tried. I wait for the day when a wealthy benefactor with any aesthetic sensibilities tears this box down and restores the little slice of Paris we lost here, in an area with so many 19th-century beauties and such disappointing, cheap postwar boxes.

  2. what was there before? i lived up there yeasr ago and can't recall.

  3. the colonial club. here's a little description from an 1892 new york times; there are archival photos all over the web.

    to chivvy along what could well be a scurrilous rumor, i heard that someone connected to the developer pillaged all the historic terra cotta off the building, in the dead of night, b/c the landmarks commission was getting ready to assess it. anyhow, it was really pretty once, and this new thing is brutalist north korea. but there will be a trader joes.

  4. Rumor has it that Trader Joe's will be one of the retail tenents.

  5. I live nearby and always thought that was a grim, dirty, depressing corner with a narrow, yucky, crowded, sorry stretch of sidewalk, even though I did love dinner from Chicken Fair before it burned down. I would never have considered this block a little slice of Paris. Or maybe it was the clientele, with OTB just a few doors down. I think a big building like this will be a real improvement.


  6. Before this project, we had 20 years of a dumpy collection of stores and none too impressive architecture...change is long overdue and I say "Bravo"...all the haters should shut up and get a life of for no other reason than their ignorant pose as architect critics -- this building will create housing and economic opportunities that never existed before at this high profile corner -- where were you morons during the past 25 years I've lived nearby complaining that the ratty structure that had previously been there (having stopped operating as the Colonial Club decades earlier -- please stop referencing this restricted club crybabies) -- should have been razed, the scuzzy tenants evicted and something new and fresh put in its place -- screw you all and your bs -- to invoke dead architects, including the questionably worshipped Robert Stern, is a joke -- you're the same bitter people who want Obama to fail & complained yrs ago about the Times Square redevelopment or cried foul when the TWC was erected at 59th disregarding the filthy mess that was the NY Coliseum, a rotting hulk for years and years, all the while bitching that this, too, was an uninspired, glass box -- screw you punks -- I love it, it'll be a huge success, this bldg will make the neighborhood better, and tough luck, you tight-ass snobs.

  7. It's ugly but it's a great location. Will it be all rental or apartments will be sold too? How much do you think a 1BR will cost?

  8. I can't believe that anyone complaining about this building going up has ever actually visited the site in question.

  9. well...I will live there in a few weeks!!!
    For the price, the apartments are not that great...but the building looks nice although in a very busy location...


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