Friday Morning Links & Comment

Sorry for the lack of comment yesterday. It was one of those rare summer days when the phone was actually ringing off the hook. I won't take one day as a trend, as regardless of the market, summer is usually quiet. There has been much talk of late, on Wall Street at least, that some sort of a bottom might be in the works for both the stock market and housing market. One thing is for sure in this modern age, volatility is greater than ever. I would speculate that the rise of technology could be making for quicker, yet sharper corrections. There is little doubt that the correction our economy has seen has been sharp. National housing prices, the stock market, the oil market, and especially the credit market has seen dramatic adjustments in a record time. Perhaps when the consensus decides that we have seen a bottom, the recovery will be just as swift. We can only hope.
Here are today's links:
Newest Seaport Plan Includes Retail (Observer)
601-603 Park Ave Mansion Closes For $31 Million (The Real Deal)
Washington Square Park Reno On Time, 60% Complete (WashingtonSquarePark)
Gowanus Building Seems To Have Gone Anti-Corporate (Curbed)
Luxury Condos Pick Up In Market Share And Price (Jonathan Miller Via Curbed)
Are Chain Stores Taking Over New York? (AMNY)
Foreclosure Epidemic Skips Over Big Apple (The Cooperator)
Artist Bartlett Sells West Village Townhouse for $17 Million (Bloomberg)
Tired Of Gloom And Doom? REBNY Has Some Positive Numbers For You (WSJ)
