New Twist In "Floorplan Porn": "Floorplan Plate Porn"

We in real estate love what we call "floorplan porn". No, it has nothing to do with porn, just really hot floorplans. I was amused when I passed the Fishs Eddy window on Broadway and 21st when I saw plates with floorplans on them displayed with descriptions and prices under them as if you were passing your local Corcoran or Sotheby's office. The plates range from a 5" square with studio floorplan for $7.95 to the much more substantial 12"x16" Penthouse floorplan plate for $32.95. The tagline on the Fishs' website is "why rent when you can own"? At those prices, I'll take the Penthouse!


  1. Amazing... a porn site on internet made like a $2 billion box in a year, people really pay for watch a porn video... I can't believe it.


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