Thursday Morning Links

Dollar May Boomerang On City (NY Sun)
A Look At LIC's New Condo, Vere (Curbed)
Construction Watch: Catching 290 Mulberry's Wave (Curbed)
Has Miami Reached A Bottom? (The Real Deal)
In LA: Aaron Spelling's Widow Downsizes To a $46 Mil Robert A.M. Stern Condo (NY Times)
Bloomberg Back Peddles On Wind Turbine Initiative (AP)
Focus, People! American Obsession With Housing Crisis Unhealthy (Observer)
Must Be Nice: McCain Unsure How Many Homes He Owns (Politico)


  1. Hey - how could you possibly miss the NY Sun's front page article "Dollar May Boomerang on the City - Currency Rise Could Have an Impact on Real Estate, Tourism"??

    That's right, you only link to pollyannish, price-pumping articles. Why don't you get some f**king balls, Fine, try to give yourself an iota of credibility? It was on the fkng FRONT PAGE of the Sun!!!! Don't be a coward. Don't be a typical broker hack.

    Just trying to help you here.

  2. I've just made it the top link.
    I thought that I had beat the dollar issue to death.
    Back in September I was quoted on the front page of the NY Sun, and it was far from price pumping, rather an acknowledgement that it was becoming a buyer market:


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